- Specializing in Underwater Imagery -

  • Kistel Media
  • Underwater Video
  • Education, Awareness & Outreach

About Us

Simply put we create engaging and insightful visual media content.

About Kistel Media
Underwater Cinematographer Joe Kistel
Joe Kistel - Underwater Cinematographer

Simply put we create engaging and insightful visual media content. We start with an objective, identifying a subject matter we agree can benefit from proper visual representation and distribution. We design and plan a content capture approach, shoot the required video and still photo visuals, and produce video and print media packages. Our produced content is designed to effectively share the intended objective message to the appropriate audience.

Much of our work is involved in showcasing amazing underwater worlds, their importance, and the interactive opportunities they provide. We specialize in capturing high quality imagery in challenging underwater visibility environments.


Does Kistel Media provide still photography and video services?

Yes. Typically our projects are packaged in a campaign type structure which requires full video production as well as print publication materials. Beyond capturing video and still images we are creating custom animated graphics, recording specialized audio, and experimenting with new media capture techniques.

Your website features underwater images, do you only provide underwater video and underwater photography services?

Creating underwater outreach and conservation related content is our passion. The underwater niche is something we feel we are exceptional at it due to our extended experience. Underwater focused media production comes with a unique set of challenges that we have mastered over the years. Overcoming these challenges has given us the ability to improve our “topside” or non-underwater focused projects. Outside of underwater related projects we create educational and awareness content. We do produce custom media products and encourage new client inquiries.

Who are your typical clients requesting video production services?

  • We have a variety of clients, both private businesses and government, with unique production expectations. We work with counties to showcase the underwater assets their regions provide. In addition, we work with state agencies to create informational awareness content. Private clients often have a specific message to share and we are brought on to create a visual story to showcase that message.
  • We also have project partners for projects and programs we initiate. There are stories we feel are important to be told and so we self-produce with project partners. These projects are often tied to a conservation initiative. Project partners benefit from a marketing standpoint as they are positively featured. These stories are often highly viewed.

Many of your videos include spectacular underwater footage captured in Florida waters. Most of Florida waterways have limited underwater visibility, how is this possible? What type of visibility can you work in?

This is something we are asked over and over again. Most of our underwater filming and photography takes place in coastal ocean waters.  Visibility is routinely limited but some days are better then others.  Although we try, the reality is it is hard to coordinate production around the really good visibility days. Low light and limited visibility present challenges when filming underwater. We use highly specialized underwater camera equipment and have years of experience shooting visuals in this type off environment.  In addition, we are also able to manipulate the visuals captured in post-production to polish the final look of the imagery to be featured.

Regarding our underwater filming and image capture limitations.  We are able to capture engaging visuals in visibility as low as a few feet.

Where are the geographic regions where you work?

Much of our underwater filming and imagery work takes place in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. Occasionally we travel elsewhere and we have the ability to work in most accessible areas.

Where do you feature you finished video projects?

Much of our work is packaged into web distribution formats. This generally involves producing high quality shorter style stories and formatting them for various web platforms (YouTube, social media accounts, etc.). We believe internet distribution is the most effective way to reach a massive and diverse audience.

From time to time we work with television networks and media outlets. Television exposure can add some additional creditability for some viewers.

Kistel Media - About Us
Look a Hermit Crab


Kistel Media creates video content designed to engage an audience and encourage action.

Video Production

Kistel Media creates video content designed to engage an audience and encourage action. Services include...

  • Visual Media Content Creation
  • Filming and Imagery Capture
  • Story Production
  • Outreach, Education, and Awareness
  • Internet, Television, and Print Distribution

Underwater Filming

We specialize in capturing high quality video and photography in challenging underwater environments. Services include...

  • Underwater Video and Photography Capture
  • Onsite Field Production
  • Ocean and Marine Life Education
  • Aquatic Conservation Outreach
  • Habitat Restoration Awareness

YouTube Partner Production

Our YouTube channels continue grow in audience size and engagement. They provide an effective platform to showcase...

  • Product Features
  • Product Installation Videos
  • “Services Provided” Outreach
  • Exposure to Primed Viewers
  • Long Term Exposure

Artificial Reef Consultation

We have a long experience in artificial reef creation and provide consultation and logistical related services.

Underwater Imagery Usage

Kistel Media has an extensive underwater footage and still image library. We are able to provide licensed usage for news media and custom production needs.

Print and Graphics

Many of our projects are campaign structured that incorporate high quality print publication components including flyers, signs, wraps, and more.


A few of our latest video productions are listed below.

KISTEL MEDIA - Most Viewed Content

Below are some examples of Kistel Media produced content that has had viral impact.

Kistel Media - Reef Related Content
Reef Related Content

Kistel Media reef project related content
(total combined views = 10 million):

Kistel Media on National Geographic
National Geographic

Kistel Medial/National Geographic
(total combined views = over 4.3 million):

Kistel Media - News Coverage
News Coverage

Additional TV News Coverage

Please note that the news and network examples mentioned were also broadcast on television, or showcased via other outlets not referenced within this document. A far larger audience was reached via those distribution methods and not accounted for here.

Additional YouTube channels Kistel Media produces content for:

@MrKistel on YouTube@MrKistel
(20 million total channel video views)
View YouTube Channel

Additional YouTube Channels Kistel Media produces content for:

@UWSTAUG on YouTube
View YouTube Channel

Contact Kistel Media


Contact Kistel Media
Jacksonville, Florida
Contact Kistel Media

Local Reef Survey

A Few Quick Questions Regarding Use and Interest in St Augustine Offshore Reefs

The Andy King, Standish, and Capo reefs are a few recreational fishing and diving sites in existence because of the development of artificial reefs.  The answers to the questions below may be used to help determine the potential expansion of the St. Johns County artificial reef program.  Please take a moment to answer the 4 questions below for each reef site. After clicking the submit button, click the buttons at the top of survey to answer the questions for the remaining reefs.

North Florida Reef Survey

Have you visited the Andy King Reef at any point to fish or scuba dive?

How many times have you visited the Andy King Reef in the past 2 years?

Do you plan to visit the Andy King Reef in the future?

Would you utilize the area if a new artificial reef was created near the Andy King Reef?

Have you visited the Standish Reef at any point to fish or scuba dive?

How many times have you visited the Standish Reef in the past 2 years?

Do you plan to visit the Standish Reef in the future?

Would you utilize the area if a new artificial reef was created near the Standish Reef?

Have you visited the Capo Reef at any point to fish or scuba dive?

How many times have you visited the Capo Reef in the past 2 years?

Do you plan to visit the Capo Reef in the future?

Would you utilize the area if a new artificial reef was created near the Capo Reef?

Have you visited the Andy King Reef at any point to fish or scuba dive?

How many times have you visited the Andy King Reef in the past 2 years?

Do you plan to visit the Andy King Reef in the future?

Would you utilize the area if a new artificial reef was created near the Andy King Reef?

Have you visited the Standish Reef at any point to fish or scuba dive?

How many times have you visited the Standish Reef in the past 2 years?

Do you plan to visit the Standish Reef in the future?

Would you utilize the area if a new artificial reef was created near the Standish Reef?

Have you visited the Capo Reef at any point to fish or scuba dive?

How many times have you visited the Capo Reef in the past 2 years?

Do you plan to visit the Capo Reef in the future?

Would you utilize the area if a new artificial reef was created near the Capo Reef?